Tuesday, July 19, 2011

If you never try...

"If you never try then you'll never know exactly what you're worth" -Coldplay

    I am relaxing after a tough morning track workout and a gym lifting session, listening to music and getting ready for an evening open water swim. I usually listen to music mostly while running, but I've killed three ipods within a month with my own sweat (don't ask me how, because I don't know) so I've had to get my music fix elsewhere. I've grown to love Coldplay for their awesome lyrics and English rock vibe. I came across this line in the song "Fix you", off of their X and Y album. It has to be the best running-related line I have ever heard in a song (besides, maybe "Tramps like us, baby we were born to run" by Bruce Springsteen)

          Endurance sports are all about testing your limits. How fast can I go? How far can I go? Where is the breaking point, when my legs stop moving and my diaphragm can't manage another labored breath? These are questions that will unanswered if we do not try. Never go through life not knowing what "could be"; potential is an awful thing to waste. Shoot for the moon, and even if you don't make it, you'll still land among the stars. Having big dreams is frustrating most of the time, but the path to success is paved with failure and perseverance. Perseverance is the key, because you never know when your time will come. Triumph is sometimes found in the most unlikely of places, and it will will never be found if you stop looking.

               Just because something is unlikely doesn't mean you shouldn't give it a go. Goals are always worth having, because the pursuit is just as exhilarating as actually achieving that benchmark. The process of training is magical, and so satisfying. It seems that I've raced countless times and trained thousands of hours, with limited success. Good thing I love training, or else I would have quit a long time ago. I'm still searching for what I'm worth, though. If I never try, then I'll never know.

But for now, this is what I'm dreaming of :)


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